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5 Reasons You Do Not Want to Miss the GW CR Election Night Party

The GW College Republicans are hosting an Election Night Party on Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Elliott School City View Room to watch the results come in. Why should you be there? Here are the top 5 reasons:

5. Because we’re GW

The George Washington University prides itself on being the most politically active campus in the nation. For the past few months, students have not been able to sit through classes or amble around campus without constantly being barraged with election news and political discussions. Take advantage of being a part of such a politically involved campus and spend election night around some equally invested friends!

4. Find out whose Inaugural Address you’ll be hearing firsthand in January

Once election night is over, the next milestone we’ll all be looking forward to (or horribly dreading) will be January 20th. GW students have the prime and amazing opportunity to attend the Inauguration and watch history be made firsthand. If you’re surrounded by your fellow Republicans, you can go ahead and start making bets on election night as to how many times the word “hyyyuge” will be used in the Inaugural Address (or how many pleas about toddlers and guns will be made).

3. For many of us, this is our first time voting

This election saw an exponential increase in interest of young people in an election. For many of us, this will be the first time our voices will be heard in a major election. It will be an amazing thing to watch the returns come in knowing you did your part to make a difference in the result.

2. This is a way to show your support to Republicans down-ballot

Although it’s easy to forget about this fact with all the media hysteria, this election is not just about Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. Republicans are hoping to hold and possibly increase our leads in both the House and the Senate. Additionally, Republicans currently account for thirty-one of the governors within the Union, and twelve gubernatorial positions are up for grabs. It only takes thirty-four states to call for a convention of the states, and Republicans could conceivably reach that number on election night. Even if you’re not a hyyyuge Trump supporter, coming out on election night is showing support for a lot more than just him.

1. You’ll remember this for the rest of your life

Let’s be real: this election will be a landmark and watershed moment for years to come. No matter what happens or who wins, history will be made. This is the kind of event you truly remember for the rest of your life. All of the details surrounding it will forever be ingrained into your memory and consciousness. What better group of people is there to have forever a part of such a momentous occasion in your memory than the GW College Republicans?

Convinced? RSVP to the event here.

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